Tue 21 Jan
*NEW iN T0WN* G0RGE0US & ex0tic Latina PRiNCESS * ts NiKole 100% REAL ==>AVAiLABLE N0W
(Atlanta, Doraville near I85)
Last Day 2 Experience UR Ultimate Fantasy Sk¿lled 3X Exotic Adult Video Vixen ENVY STAR (google me) - 27
%%*(") BrEaThTaKiNg (") * pUeRtA rIcAn * AnD * bLaCk* CaLiFoRnIa (") DeLiGhT (")*%% - 19
(Detroit, Downtown Detroit (In))
Bisexual & Kinky down for good times! - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Bisexual & Kinky down for good times! - 19
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
🎉Its Friday,So Come Spend Sometime With Me🎊Ask about the Special for today💋Text Now - 26
(Arvada, Aurora, Centennial, City of Denver, Commerce City, Denver, Englewood, Golden, Lakewood, Northglenn, Parker, Thornton, Westminster, Wheat Ridge)
angel face❤ Gorgeous Exotic SUPER ❤ MEGA Ho t❤ ; LATINA ❤ READY ❤ - 21
(Atlanta, Doraville near I85)
**INCALL /OUTCALL $100 hh SPECIAL* **MiSS Sexy curves,,, Tight young body...delicious lips...} - 21
(58th && i25 outcall available, City of Denver, Denver)
💋(I'M BACK)💄°•♡Indian Goddess♡•° ☆ OUTCALLS ONLY!!☆ - 20
(Denver, Aurora, Downtown, Westminster & DTC)
**INCALL /OUTCALL $100 incall SPECIAL* **MiSS Sexy curves,,, Tight young body...delicious lips...} - 21
(48th and i25/ outcall available, Boulder, City of Denver, Denver, Northglenn, Thornton, Westminster)
I NEED IT BAD! WILL YOU HELP ME? Passionate REDHEAD seeks generous Gent! outcal,independent, OMG! - 22
(Denver, Denver, DTC, Cherry Creek, Parker)
Lil Red sweet candy shop ask bout my 45 roses specials* 803 *210 * 5043 - 25
(Columbia, two notch road)
I hope you have a strong heart!♥ Open Minded ♥ ♥ Real PIcs UPSCALE FUN! independent, Rated #1 - 20
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver, DTC, Cherry Creek, Aurora)
Your Favorite Juicy Booty Ebony Princess is HERE !!! $$100 Specials ALL night. - 21
(Atlanta, Outcalls Only ... Atlanta)
You can Literally Have Whatever You Like With Me~ You've Found Your Diamond in the Dust - 25
(Atlanta~ To you)
__YOuNG & KiNDa iNNoCEnT ! ------>B E A U T I F U L INSIDE &OUT;!------> SEXy ..NaUGHTy & WiLLiNG - 21
(incall decatur)
Hot Blonde RUSSIAN / SWEDISH independent, Lots of Fun! Nobody does it better! Nobody. - 27
(Denver, Denver Metro, Parker, Castle Rock, DTC)
🍦🍭🍰 sweat treat. 5'11 redhead, READY NOW!! 🍰🍭💕🍦 - 28
(Anywhere-outcall, Arvada, Aurora, Boulder, Broomfield, City of Denver, Denver, Lakewood, Thornton)
** HiGHLy REvIEWED**MiSS Luscious «LIPSÂ Sexy curves,,, delicious {{@$$}} - 21
(6th avenuewadsworth blvd LAKEWOOD, Denver)
$40-80-140 >>> The Latin Lover"Sexy & Super Kinky" I Promise 2 Make Ur Toes Curl! - 20
(Detroit, Dearborn 24/7 In & Out Calls)
INCALL ONLY **MiSS Sexy curves,,, Tight young body...delicious lips...} - 21
(120th avenue&(i25), Boulder, City of Denver, Denver, Northglenn, Thornton, Westminster)
♥2night Is The Night That I Do Big $85 Specials So Dont Miss Out ♥ 313# 653# 9751 - 23
(downtown detroit)
GORGEOUS 💋💢💚💢💋 Petite ♥ Long Legs♥ Blonde Hair•.♥ 5 '7" , 120lbs *:•.♥ Hannah ♥ - 24
(Denver, Denver and Surrounding Areas)
GoRGeouS & SuPeR tIgHt ☆° exXxoTiC NYMPHo ☆° FuN FreaK ☆° tHe bEsT GFE in CoLoRaDo - 22
GORGEOUS BLONDE-The REAL DEAL ! 10000% real photos! Hardbody, tight, tone, OUTCAL - 20
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver, Englewood, Aurora, DTC)
Boulder! Boulder! Boulder! Incall Outcall NEW! Sexy Italian Sweetie! GFE!! - 30
(Boulder Incalls/Outcalls)
A Guide for Newbies . Screening Tips and Other Advice... Revised 7/19/10 - 44
(Anywhere You Want Me)
A Guide for Newbies . Screening Tips and Other Advice... Revised 7/04/10 - 44
(Anywhere You Want Me)
Bisexual & Kinky Fun for Man or Three-Way! - 19
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope, 10 minutes away)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* _________ SiMPLY GORGEOUS __________ *¨¨*-:¦:-*
▅ ▆ █ ★ FLAWLESS GODDESS ★ ———★ UNFORGETTABLE ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • • • • • ★ ★ • • • • • - 22 - 22
(Denver, YOUR PLACE)
☠ W : A : R : N : I : N : G ☠ ExTrEmElY AdDiCtIvE+ (ThIcK mIxEd ReDbOnE 44DDs)SPECIALS* - 20
(Chamblee-Tucker 24/7)
I'm STILL searching for a long-legged, gorgeous, admin, personal assistant and/or Sugar Baby - 53
(Boulder, Denver - Closer to Boukder)
★❤ ★❤ Pretty Model ❤ ❤ Nice and Toned ❤ ❤ Rare TREAT ❤ SExxxxXY ❤ ❤Busty ((34DD)) ❤ ❤JAZZELLE - 25
(Boulder, City of Denver, Colorado Springs, Denver, Denver and surrounding areas, Ft Collins, Rockies)
®eviewed 🅾NLY 100💋s up to 1H® INC🅰LL --UN®USHED S🅿L-- 15MIN-1HR 100💋s Suⓜⓜe® the Huⓜⓜe® - 25
♣ ExCLUs!ve NyMpHo WoNdErFuL tEaSeR bUt A vErY GoOd UmMm PLeAsEr On mY kNeSs FuLl G F E! - 22
Its cold outside💕💋come warm up with this sexy blonde barbie💕💋enjoy my delicious curves💕💋 - 27
(Colorado Springs)
TREATS! **LeT Me B Ur NaUghTy LiTTle SecRet!! I Do mY BeSt WoRk !!! TREATS all day! - 22
(Decatur/exit 43/285 East)
+*+*+*+*+*-*- Thirsty Thursdays with Kizzy -*_*+*+*+*+* Gush special 125 hour!!! - 25
(20E/Dwntwn/Flat Shoals/Bldrcrst)
🍌NeW Anna Fantasy 🏼✨VaNiLlA🍦🍌 FlavOred🐰🐰Upscale MiLf 💗✨💫Pretty Face🍒 Firm Body 🍒💗 FUN ✨- - 33
(Austin, San Marcos, sexy Superstar miLf - 35 S Buda, South)
█ ▓ * ▓ SuPeR BUSTY BaD GIRLS ▓ * ▓ █ ViSiTiNg TiL MONDAY! - 30
®®® This A.S.S Is 1 In A Million...Thats Why Its copy righted®®®My Lipz+Thick Hipz= - 24
(~ Riverdale Incalls My Place~Outcalls)
Sara •°• PROVOCATIVE~ alluring~ EROTIC~ tantilizing**** - 27
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs but will travel)
((( THiCk ChoCoL@Te SMooThie ))) HoW EVER U WaNt It [✔] WheN U WaNt It [✔] - 29
(Conyers Incalls.. I-20 East-- 65.80.140)
Thick freaky big booty beauty $50 Incall specials Decatur Lithonia - 24
(Atlanta, City of Atlanta, Conyers stone mountain Lithonia Decatur)
✯CuM tO tH3 BeSt SpEciAli$t && ToWn ThE 1 && oNLy ThAt CaTeR's 2 aLl Ur NeEd'$ ✯ - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS ★NiCe & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*STAr* G*F*E ToP NoTCH hEaDdOcToR ❤ - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS★ SuPeR tIgHt SuPeR SeXy && YoUnG && rEaDy 2 HaVe SoMe G F E FuN♣ - 22
♥ ClicK HeRE GeNtAlMaN ♣ SuPeR SwEet MiNd BlOwiNg 100% G*F*E rEaDy 2 D0 a A+ JoB* - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS★ SuPeR tIgHt SuPeR S3Xy & YoUnG rEaDy tO HaVe SoMe G F E FuN♣ - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS ★NiCe & TiGhT sUpEr WeT 5*STAr* G*F*E ToP NoTCH dOcToR ❤ - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS ★"Y" SeTtLe FoR LeSs On YoUr LuNcH bReAk WhEn Me "MyA" cAn FiLl U uP?! - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS ★NiCe & TiGhT sUpEr WeTt 5*STAr* G F E ToP NoTCH hEaDdOcToR** - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS★ SuPeR tIgHt SuPeR SeXy & YoUnG && rEaDy 2 HaVe SoMe G F E FuN♣ - 22
NO drama ~ NO hassle ~* just *PURE FUN*~ Sara*°* - 27
(Colorado Springs, Clolrado springs but will travel)
♥ ClicK HeRE GeNtAlMaN ♣ SuPeR SwEet MiNd BlOwiNg 100% G*F*E rEaDy 2 Do a A+ JoB* - 22
★CLiCk HeRe GeNtS★ SuPeR tIgHt SuPeR S3Xy & YoUnG && rEaDy 2 HaVe SoMe G F E FuN♣ - 22